Tuesday, November 15, 2011

“Lost” fortress of Sahara revealed by satellites

“Lost” fortress of Sahara revealed by satellites
Archeologists have found real life fortress from an ancient civilization in the Sahara desert in the territory southwest of Libya revealed by a satellite. In the photos that the satellite made there were more the 100 fortress settlements. This ancient civilization that made the settlements is called the Garamantes who ruled about from the second century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. Now researchers have found towns, villages and farms of this ancient civilization by the satellite pictures. Even though so many years past from when these ancient fortresses were built they are still even from 3 to 4 meters high in some places which is why a lot of archeologists were very astonished at how much of the fortresses was preserved! These buildings were so well constructed and built that scientists could have easily mistaken these fortresses for the Roman frontiers. English scientists think that the civilization of Garamantes was a civilization of a very high level. They had metallurgy, very high-quality textiles, and a writing system. The Garamantes were a very organized civilization and they could have even had a state level society. Somehow, the Garamantes got water from the desert; they created oases and scientists think that they got this water from underground water channels. They could even grow wheat, grapes, figs and barley.  Nobody knows for sure what happened to the civilization but scientists guess that their supply of groundwater ended.

I really liked this article because I learned about the new discovery of archeologists. Also by this article I learned about how important water is to life because civilizations settled only by water for example Ancient Egypt was a very big civilization which settled a long the longest in the world river Nile. Even a whole civilization can disappear from lack of water! This is why I understood how much water is important and we need to take action and stop wasting so much water to try to reserve it.

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