Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Current Event 8 :Giant, Dinosaur-Age Islands Found in Deep Sea?

Giant, Dinosaur-Age Islands Found in Deep Sea?
Article Written by: Richard A. Lovett
Date Article Written: November 21 2011
Scientists think that they have found 2 fragments of a continent left from the time of the dinosaurs located deep on the Indian Ocean.  These two pieces of land could be the leftovers left from the super continent called Gondwana. But the fragment of this continent was not complete so scientists are trying to fill in the gaps by making maps and exploring.  Exploring this area scientist also found a lot of types of rocks that are usually found in the ground of Earth which surprised them because they thought that they would dig up sea salt and sea mass. Scientists think that these two fragments disappeared and sunk when India and Australia separated. First of all scientists thought that these plateaus were flat but soon they realized that there were a lot of different elevations in these fragments of land. Also, near the fragments fossils of mollusks were found and mollusks live in shallow water surrounding continent which is one more reason which proves that the 2 fragment of Gondwana were once continents. Also, animals’ fossils were discovered on the plateau.

From this article I learned about scientist’s recent discovery of 2 continent fragments which has existed in the time of dinosaurs but were flooded and discovered again. I found this interesting article on http//:www.nationalgoegraphic.com which in my opinion is a great site for daily news and current events. I really liked this article because I like learning about scientists’ discoveries and about ancient Earth.  While reading this article I felt very excited because one again scientists have found an interesting discovery about ancient times. 

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